Sharing Creative Play Ideas To Keep Wild Toddlers Happy!

How Can I Help You?

Who am I?

I’m a teacher turned mom trying to do her best raising two wild boys, aged three and one.

A little about me–I graduated with my Bachelor’s in English Teaching. I spent 6 years teaching middle school students and I absolutely loved it. Once I had my first son, I stayed home with our son and loved it (most days, that is), but felt somewhat of a strange disconnect.

I missed being in the classroom, designing lessons and activities, and having a purpose OUTSIDE of my home. Yet I felt a huge draw to stay home with my son at the same time.

And that’s where Wild Toddler Play came in! It was the merging of two beautiful stages of my life–the creative part of teaching and helping others, and the beautiful journey of staying home with my toddler boys. Creating fun play ideas and sharing them with others just feels like the right place for me in life right now. I’m learning and growing with my own children, building an incredible community, and trying to support other parents that are in the trenches with me.

“And that’s where Wild Toddler Play came in! It was the merging of two beautiful stages of my life–the creative part of teaching and helping others, and the beautiful journey of staying home with my toddler boys.”

I hope I can be the person for you that I so needed when my first son became a toddler. He was, and always has been, a wild one (that’s putting it lightly!). Activities have become my tool to help him channel his energy in a positive way, and make it to bedtime alive each day (mostly, joking).

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