10 People who will love Wild Toddler

If you’ve found this page, chances are, you’re the parent of a wild toddler. It wasn’t that long ago that I, too, was up late, scouring the internet with searches like “how to entertain my energetic toddler,” or “activities for busy toddler boys.” It just seemed like there wasn’t a one stop shop for ideas and activities that were well-suited for my non-stop energy, toddler boy.

Everywhere I looked-each Instagram account, Pinterest board, or mom blog–had a big compilation of activities, but many of those activities wouldn’t work for my kids. It didn’t take me long to realize that my boys aren’t able to sit still and color by number, if you know what I mean. They need movement, engagement, and manipulation.

I was sick of scouring different places to create a collection of my own ideas and activities for my kids. So I decided to build it.

I want to serve parents out there with wild toddlers, too, just like myself. Those parents that have been up since 6am and will probably be up late, too. The parents with kids who are moving, constantly. The parents with kids who will. not. stop. making. noises. The parents with kids who need novel, fresh ideas and get bored with the same old. The parents with kids who are independent, strong-willed, and giving them a run for their money.

These are the parents that need all the help they can get. They don’t need to spend what little time they have left at the end of the day searching and searching for an activity that just might work that week. They need instant, ready-to-go winning ideas that will work for their toddlers.

My goal is to make their lives easier by doing the hard work for them–the brainstorming, the planning, the creating–and keeping it all in one place.

You’re in the right place if…

  1. You’re a parent/babysitter/nanny/teacher/relative to a young child.
  2. The young child you spend time with has copious amounts of non-stop energy.
  3. This child tends to melt down during down time.
  4. This child cannot stop moving…
  5. …Or making sounds.
  6. You find yourself scouring the internet for play ideas to entertain them.
  7. You are busy, and don’t have the time or don’t want to find activities on your own.
  8. You would like to build your child’s independent play skills.
  9. You would like your child to learn through play.
  10. And finally… you just need a break from them from time to time.

So again, if you’ve made it this far, just know that if you’re the parent of a wild toddler, and you need engaging activities… You’re in the right place, my friend.

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