Spider Web Chase Game

If you need to find a way to burn off some of your toddler’s energy, or need a fun game for a party, this is it! This Spider Web Chase Game is so simple to make and such an instant hit. This wold be great at Halloween, or any outdoor play group. The rules are simple, too, so almost any age can play!

My son’s love for spiders inspired this activity, and I”m happy to say it did not disappoint. We played this Spider Web chase game for about 45 minutes straight the first time I set it up, and he was begging Daddy to play when he got from work that day. See how we played, below!

Easy Fun Toddler Halloween Activity Game of Spider Web Chase

How to Set it Up:

Simply grab some painter’s or masking tape and create a spider web on the ground. The bigger, the better. Leave a foot or two in between the web lines so it’s somewhat spread out. I had my toddler help me put the lines down, which was an activity in and of itself. He had fun deciding how big the web should be and where it should go. This also hyped him up for the activity!

Easy Fun Toddler Halloween Activity Game of Spider Web Chase

Ready to play?

Assign one person to be the spider and everyone else to be the flies. The spider chases the flies and tries to catch one in their web. But here’s the catch–everyone has to stay on the tape lines. This makes for a hilarious game as everyone runs around on the tape trying not to fall off, but also trying to catch, or run away from, the other people!

And that’s it! Super simple but tons of fun. This spider web chase game will keep your toddlers–or kids of any age, really–engaged and having a blast!

Looking for more games and activities for toddlers and kids? Check out these movement-based activities! Need something different? Check out this Pinterest board for inspiration!

Let me know if you try this! Enjoy!



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