
Simple & Edible Play Dough

This simple & edible play dough has to be an all-time favorite activity of ours! I love how good this playdough smells, how easy it is to make, and that it’s edible for my youngest who is still putting everything in his mouth. My kids love that it is silky smooth, easy to play with, and makes fun ice cream and cookie “treats.”

Simple & Edible Play Dough Recipe


There are a lot of edible play dough recipes out there that include powdered sugar. I chose to substitute corn starch simply because it doesn’t taste as good, which discourages my toddlers from eating handfuls of this sugary stuff. Even using cornstarch, however, this simple & edible play dough is absolutely taste-safe!

Simple & Edible Play Dough Recipe

Preparation for Simple & Edible Play Dough

Before making this, I recommend putting a play mat down wherever it is you choose to let your kids play. A garbage bag taped to the ground makes a great temporary mat for this edible play dough! I simply took a large black yard garbage bag, cut it down the middle, unfolded it, and taped it to my floor. Then, my kids were free to spread out and lean into the mess of this fun, play dough! If you need more ideas for containing the mess, check out my mess-free activity guide.

Simple & Edible Play Dough Recipe

Simple & Edible Play Dough

Serving Size:
3-4 cups of play dough
5 minutes!


  • 1 can of frosting
  • 1.5 cups cornstartch


  1. Combine your frosting and cornstarch in a large mixing bowl.
  2. Mix together and knead with your hands at the end to get it really well distributed.
  3. Add a little water if you think it seems too dry.
  4. Give your little one some tools to use while playing with the playdough. We love scoops, ice cream cones, cookie cutters, and “sprinkles” made from rainbow rice!
Simple & Edible Play Dough Recipe

Storage & Clean Up

The cleanup for this is really simple. Collect all of the playdough you can and store in a large ziploc bag in the fridge for up to two weeks. If you used a play mat, pick it up and shake it out in the trash. Simply use a cloth and warm water with dish soap to wipe up anything smashed onto the floor. You can also break out the vacuum to get any dry crumbles.

I hope you enjoy this simple & edible play dough recipe! It’s such a fun activity and both of my boys absolutely love it. I’m sure your kids will, too!



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