Cheerio Monsters for Fine Motor Skills

Fine Motor Skill Activity for Toddlers using Sensory Play

Hey there! If you’ve been looking for fun activities to help your little one develop their fine motor skills, look no further. This is a tried and true, fan-favorite at our house! Plus, you probably have everything you already need right at home.

Why are fine motor skills so important? These skills help children perform important tasks such as feeding themselves, grasping objects, and writing. The ability to complete everyday tasks by using fine motor skills helps a child’s self-esteem and confidence grow!

These skills become extremely important in kindergarten and young elementary years!

Showing the cheerio monsters

Here’s what you need to set this activity up:

  • Cheerios
  • Playdough
  • Dry Spaghetti Noodles
  • Optional: Googly Eyes

Items needed for fine motor skill activity

How to Set It Up:

  1. Roll your playdough into a small ball shape.
  2. Optional: Gently push the googly eyes into the playdough to make “monsters.”
  3. Break your spaghetti noodles to your preferred height (shorter might be easier to start).
  4. Push the spaghetti noodles into the playdough as if they are hair, sticking straight up.
  5. Hand your kid some cheerios and show him how to thread them!

I hope you enjoy these fun cheerio monsters. Check out the blog for more ideas on fun activities to help your little one develop their fine motor skills!

– Kyle

Fine Motor Skill Activity for Toddlers using Sensory Play

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