
Frozen Shaving Cream

This the perfect sensory activity for a hot, sunny day! I love that it only takes about 5 minutes of prep and is such a cool sensory material.

Shaving cream in general is a really fun sensory material, but when you freeze it, it becomes cold, takes longer to become liquid, and clings to toys much better. It’s just a really easy way to mix up your play!

Easy Toddler Activity with Frozen Shaving Cream

Here’s what you need:

  • Shaving Cream
  • Food Coloring
  • Small Plastic Toys
  • Shallow Tray
Easy Sensory Toddler Activity
5 minute prep

How to Set this Up:

  1. Add your shaving cream to a shallow tray.
  2. Drop in some food coloring and mix it up.
  3. Add some plastic toys.
  4. Freeze!
Easy Sensory Toddler Activity 
5 Minute Prep
Fun Sensory Play

Ready to Play!?

This makes the best fine motor skills activity, too! Give your toddler some tong or tweezers and tell them to rescue the animals.

Easy Toddler Activity
Fine Motor Skills

Once they’ve pulled the animals from the shaving cream, hand them a squeeze bottle or medicine dropper with warm bottle. Let them clean off the toys.

Easy Sensory
Toddler Activity
Fun Sensory Play

My little guys loved this activity and I loved watching them engage in sensory play and learning. Let me know if you try this!

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