About Me

Hi! My name is Kyle and I am the one that runs this blog. I am a mom to two wild toddlers, and I am passionate about finding fun ways to engage, entertain, and help them learn through play.

I love sharing all of the fun activities that I do with my boys. I hope to help inspire other parents out there to find ways to play with and engage their kids. I enjoy brainstorming activities for my kids to do, coming up with different learning activities, and playing with my kiddos.

Here are some other fun things you should know about me.

  1. I was born in Utah, moved to Colorado, and now live in Arizona and hope to stay here forever.
  2. I love sleeping in as late as possible
  3. My husband is my absolute best friend!
  4. I love Dr. Pepper, especially with a dash of coffee creamer and coconut syrup.
  5. My favorite season is fall. Sweater weather + holiday get togethers.
  6. When I get stressed I clean the house, or pretty much anything in my sight.
  7. I used to teach 9th grade English and really enjoyed it creating engaging lessons for my students.
  8. I stay at home with my two boys.
  9. My family is my world and I’ll do anything for them
  10. I enjoy writing and blogging and sharing my little piece of the world with others!